Hypnobirthing, Birth & Baby Classes in Suffolk
07815 698 459
4th Trimester Wellbeing Retreats
Welcome to our new fourth trimester well being retreats. I am so excited to launch these new courses that will allow mums to be to connect with them selves and their babies both during the later stages of pregnancy and in to the sacred moments of the fourth trimester.
When I had my daughter almost 15 years ago I don't remember anyone ever talking about the fourth trimester (the first 12 weeks following the birth of your baby), there was a big emphasis on the birth, baby care etc, but nothing around planning for the postnatal period. As a young mum none of my friends were having babies, and there's was lots of pressure to 'get out of the house' so you didn't get baby blues. Little did I know at this time the importance of the 'village' of support, nurture, rest and honouring the spiritual transition at this precious moment in time, a time where you have a vulnerability, a big shift in who you were and who you have become.
Our wellbeing retreats will aim to provide a safe space to connect with fellow mamas to be, chat, connect, relax, breath, as well as put things in place to support a gentle and nurturing 4th trimester. Once babes are earth side we will conclude with a retreat with babies, where again we will share in a circle, stretch, rest, and connect with our babies incorporating guided relaxation and baby massage.

The Investment
Cost: £60
New Dates coming soon!
Both include goodie bag and feelings of peace, connection and excitement
Date: TBC