Hypnobirthing, Birth & Baby Classes in Suffolk
07815 698 459

What is Hypnobirthing?
"To me hypnobirthing is a combination of preparing the mind and body for birth, utilising the science behind the physiological process of birth and combining with the theory of hypnosis. By utilising deep relaxation and breathing skills with a combination of evidence based information around pregnancy, birth and beyond it empowers mothers giving them the confidence to birth the way that's right for the baby and their body."
Key things you will learn during the hypnobirthing course include:
• The basic physiology of birth (how birth works)
• How to release any fears that may in some way be associated with childbirth and becoming a parent
• To look forward optimistically to a gentle, safe, calm comfortable and stress free birth
• How to relax deeply and quickly using breathing techniques, visualisations and deep relaxation
• How to stay calm, relaxed and in control throughout your labour
• How to promote the production of your birthing hormones
• How to prepare your birth preferences so that you can be better informed and feel in control of your birth
• The knowledge and power to navigate birth should you require intervention or assistance
• Positions to help you and your baby more easily and comfortably
• Breathing techniques that work with your body to maximise your body’s own natural expulsive reflex
And so much more....
Whats included?
Full Course (8 hours - 4 x 2 hour sessions)
Welcome Pack and goodie bag including course workbook
MP3's with the full selection of relaxations/guided meditations
Birth plan templates
Access to the Little Birth Company FB page where you can communicate with like minded parents
Catch up call with me at 37+ weeks and continued WhatsApp support up to birth
Workshop (3.5 hours)
MP3's with selection of the relaxations/guided meditations
Access to the Little Birth Company FB page where you can communicate with like minded parents
Birth plan templates
All courses will include access to the literature we have covered in our sessions so you can pop back at any time to read and recap
Cost of Courses
One on One Full 8 Hour Hypnobirthing course: £400
One on one 3.5 hour Hypnobirthing Refresher: £100
Group Workshop 4 hours £65 * Next workshop Saturday 3rd May*